Faster Money Methods.

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Broker Partner Agreement $36,000 a day?

Faster Money Methods has an opportunity for referral partners to offer our financial services, startup aged corporate buildout up to $400,000 in business funding, (clients can do three of these at once time generating 1.2 Million dollars in just a couple weeks, we also offer hundreds of business & income opportunities, high return investments, fast funding & superior credit programs, etc.  With our income & investment opportunities clients can make the most returns on their funding, thereby protecting our lending partners.         

We do not accept anyone for this broker opportunity, just like we do not accept anyone for our funding programs. Generating this much money requires people of ethics, financial intelligence, and common sense and an ability to listen to us to help them protect & grow their large funds.

The value of this aged corporation buildout is well over $25,000. We include an aged corporation valued at least $5,000-$10,000, 14 tradelines valued at $20,000-$25,000, thousands in hard cash costs for State registration, Financial CPA experts, and dozens of hours of work by skilled financial experts.

Our 400k Aged Corporation, No Fico, No PG, No SSN needed program takes only 2-3 weeks to build out with 14 aged primary tradelines, financials, D&B, Ein, Bank Account, etc.  It takes only about a week for funding after that. Clients must be patient, responsible, follow directions promptly, &. We do 98% of the work, they do 2%.   *The value of the tradelines alone can be from $1500 to $5000 Each.

The upfront costs for this program are $5500 of only $3000 needs to be paid as a down payment. The rest can be paid after funding. Your upfront commission on the $3000 is $300. After the client receives about $400,000 in funding you will earn 3% of their funding or about $12,000 per single corporation. Clients can do three at once for $36,000 profit per client possible.

If client does not have the $3000, if they have decent credit scores (650+) we may be able to get them enough funding to cover this and more, with our good Fico scores instant funding program. We have been able to get clients funding in a few days up to $400,000 in startup, existing, or personal funding with strong scores.

Clients pay us back the $2500 for the balance of the initial costs, and 15% of all funding. This is split between us and our processor to cover tradeline costs, profits, and of course yourself with 3% of this.

In addition, we have an “angel funding” program where those who got funding will help others with upfront costs. The client wanting this help will pay back double the amount they need to borrow. The minimum any client needs to put up is $500. Clients need to have some “skin in the game,” this is for serious clients only.                                        The time frame can be 1 day, it can be 30 days depending on the number of “funding angels” available.

This is a huge passive amazing profits program for them, returning 100% in about a month. This is the best money while you sleep investment program anywhere. Clients will gladly pay an extra couple thousand dollars to become financially free once and for all.

The most popular program with the opportunity to refer clients with your very own website landing page which we create for you. Applicant understands they must advertise only company approved ads so as not to misrepresent our services.

Referral Partner is responsible for instructing clients where to send the payments. Sometimes they are split into two payments, one to the processor of the program, one to you or us. Currently, we accept bank wire,, PayPal, Zelle, Cashapp, Bitcoin,,

There are two broker referral partner options:

$197 for training, materials, ads, etc. and ongoing help, support, & guidance, updated ad copy, sales videos, etc.

$497 includes above and a $2500 landing page with 1 yr. hosting and domain, with SEO.

  1. We give you & clients a $2500 free membership with access to over $150,000 in financial educational courses, free webinars, access to investments, financial mentors, thousands of free travel vouchers, free dinner gift certificates, and much more.
  1. We offer to build them a $2500 value website after funding, with 1 year of domain, 1 year of hosting, SEO, dozens of successful ads they can use to send clients to their landing page, training, etc. A broker partner can make up to $12,000 on every client, and if a client does three aged corporations at once that is about $36,000.

Text us at: 689 266 5342 or Email us at; 

FAQ about our wealth process!

Who is “The Personal Wealth Project & Child Safe Project?”

A.We are a nonprofit dedicated to helping the average person become financially free & improving their quality of life. By helping the average person or business obtain personal wealth we also help disadvantaged children in local communities improve their lives. Our 5 points of light program helps the most underserved disadvantaged children from those physically & sexually abused, child placement to loving homes with foster children, housing & basic needs like food and clothing for those who need it, special needs help for physically impaired children, & financial literacy for those children so they become contributing members of society and thrive instead of trying to merely survive.

How does the Personal Wealth process work?

Our partners, Innovative Business Consultants, have relationships with lenders who believe in our charitable projects. They work with underwriters to make sure clients get large funding by acquiring established aged companies, adding Financials to D & B, create an approved business plan and transferring up to 14 aged tradelines to the corporation to create a fundable business using an EIN only UP to $400,000 in funding or up to 1.2 Million with three corporations is possible. The average corporation will get 4-5 loans. Funding amounts can vary slightly.

How long does the start to final funding take?

Every file varies; however, D&B files built out with everything takes about 5-6 weeks & another 2-3 weeks or so to complete all funding with 4-5 lenders. This is an average, times can vary.

Do I need a good Fico score to complete this?

No Fico score is needed. Nor is there any personal guarantee, no collateral, or SSN used in the qualifying process.

How much work do I have to do in this process?

Truly little, you sign loan documents when they’re ready & you may want to open up bank accounts at some of the lenders to build long term future funding. You will need a separate phone number for each corporation.

How much does it cost to complete all these tasks?

Acquiring an established corporation costs 6000k upfront and adding 14 tradelines, a business plan, and financials can cost up to $30,000 additionally so we have hard cash costs to absorb initially, however we can take most of the costs after funding, $6500 is the upfront cost to cover the cost of the aged corporation only($10,000 value) , other costs can be paid after funding, and we have options to help with upfront costs if needed. An EIN number is included in the corporation

Can you get me a personal loan for the upfront costs?

Yes, usually about 650 Fico can get a small personal loan, up to $200,000 if you have better scores. This allows you to create three companies and triple your funding meaning bigger, better, and more opportunities.

Do you offer help with these upfront costs if I do not have the $6000 or good credit?

Yes, we have several ways to help with upfront costs.

1.We have a relationship with a trader who will triple your funds in 30 days. If you invest $2000 in them, at the end of 30 days you will have $6000 to start your corporation. If you start with $1000 you will have $3000 after 30 days, then you can do another 30 days with $3000 and generate $9000.

2.We can get you one of our “funding angels,” someone who already has their funding, to help you, and take double back whatever they loan you.

You can do the same thing after you get funding and generate from $40,000 up to $120,000 every 8-week cycle with 5 clients we provide. Many clients want to do three courses, so this triples everyone’s profits.

How many corporations can I do at one time?

You can do up to three aged corporations at once, tripling your funds up to $1,200,000. The best part is that with relationships with all these banks, they will loan you money every 6 months or so for decades. Unlimited funding for life!

Do I need to qualify for this program?

Yes, we do not accept everyone. You must be responsible, many people aren’t ready to handle such a large amount of money, you must be patient, and you must be honest, ethical & moral, we do not work with difficult people, we value business, but we don’t’ need it. We can get this large funding approved because of the investment/business with the Children’s Charity Thrift Stores & the fact that you donated 1% of your funding to this project (tax deductible). You can use your funds for whatever you wish but our opportunities and investments with our relationships are too good to ignore.

What are my backend performance costs?

While we are a non-profit, we have to recoup the upfront costs we incur for the 14 tradelines, the financials, the business plan, etc. and generate a profit to support ourselves & our causes. You will pay us & our partner 15% of all the funding to help recoup upfront costs and 1% for some profit to our Child Safe Project, as funding is deposited to your accounts within 24 hours of receiving it. Fees are due via bank wire, or loans can be recalled.

Can you help me pay off the loans?

Yes, we have several passive ways to pay off your loan money. In essence, free loans for life! One of our best ways is to put $60,000 on one of our traders. They will pay off $300,000 worth of your loans and do it in about 1 year! Use the rest of your funds for these other investments. Free money for life.

Will you help me with investing some of the other funds so that I can create more passive, auto pilot income streams?

We have amazing investments that pay huge profits. Note that there is no such thing as a zero-risk investment, and we are not investment advisors, security traders, we simply offer you these opportunities with our affiliate partners. For example: our Forex trading partners generate an average of 23% a month. A 95% return on your investment in 120 days, minus our 10% commission. No skills are needed by you, minus our 10% commission.

What other investments do you offer?

Our “angel funding” program pays you 100% returns about every 8 weeks by helping others become financially free. You can do up to 5 clients at once if available. Just 5 clients a cycle generates about $40,000-$120,000 every 6 weeks, depending on how many corporations a client buys.

We also have our referral program, where you receive 2% of the 15% performance fees clients pay. With up to $400,000 in funding, which would be up to $8,000 in profit per client. Or up to $24,000 profit if a client takes three companies. Most people want to do three corporations if they can come up with the money.

A.We have a Forex trading partner who pays 95% returns every 120 days, paid monthly!

A. Our Children’s Charity Thrift Stores have the potential to make $70,000-$150,000 a month. Our mentors do this now. Products and labor are free so this is a profit monster and can help dozens of children in every community these are in.

What about startup business mentoring?

We have over 150 business blueprints, which include real estate investment, startup businesses that can be turnkey like auto pilot websites, and brick and mortar business, or even buying an established business which already makes 6 or 7 figures a year. We include help, support, & guidance all along the way. Also, our Children’s Charity Thrift Stores have six figures a year potential as an investor or operator!

What is your Free VIP Membership you offer?

We include a VIP Membership with our program, this includes over $150,000 in free financial educational courses, Free Gift Certificates for travel & dining, real estate financing, help & support, & so much more!

Understanding the Greatest Wealth Process Ever for the average person, while helping disadvantaged children…

The bottom line is we can get up to $400,000 to over $1,200,000 Million and show you how to pay it off, and we do it in about 8 weeks. You are days from Financial Freedom.

At the Personal Wealth Project along with the Child Safe project our mission is to create financial freedom for our members in the easiest, fastest, with the least amount of time, money, & effort possible. Maximizing the quality of life for our members and their loved ones is the goal & then having our members pass it on to others, including our Child Safe Project, a nonprofit helping disadvantaged children in our communities.

Thousands of children suffer from sexual and physical abuse, are stuck in foster homes and we want them to find loving families and financially educate themselves so they can thrive as the move to leaving the foster care facility, & those who suffer from special needs issues, as well as those who suffer from hunger, homelessness, and struggle financially just to survive  

We have strategic lender and investment relationships, business accelerators, and unknown shortcuts unknown to 99.9% of the public, and we use these relationships to get large funding for our members who agree to help passively invest in our Children’s Charity Thrift Stores and donate 1% of their funding, which benefit disadvantaged children in local communities all over America.

We do not accept everyone into our membership & wealth programs. We only work with kind, patient, responsible, competent, ethical, serious people who can follow directions & will help others become financially free while helping our Children’s Charity “Child Safe Projects.”

 Our VIP Membership is included and has over $150,000 in free financial educational courses, and $1,000,000 in free Gift Certificates for travel, cruises, and restaurant dinners (less taxes).  In addition, we offer ongoing help, support, & guidance for as long as needed.

 We have a simple but tremendously powerful 2 step process of building out a corporation which only takes about 8 weeks and uses the business EIN number for funding NOT your personal SSN.

*No Fico, No SSN, No Personal Guarantee, No Docs, and no collateral is needed! The EIN number is used in this process.

Step 1: We acquire an established aged corporation, transfer about $500,000 in credit accounts along with financials, a business plan, create a high D&B business score, and then obtain up to $400,000 in funding with 4-5 lenders.

*Our initial down payment is $6000 for the established aged corporation ($10,000 value).  Acquiring an established aged corporation can cost up to $10,000 alone and over $25,000 to add tradelines, we put up about $30,000 upfront in costs for you and add financials to your D&B report to get funding using an EIN number.

We have personal “INSTANT FUNDING” for those who have decent credit (over 660) or a good income. We can get from $5000 to $200,000 in a couple days. Use some of this to get started and do three corporations instead of one, tripling your funds.

We do have several funding options for those who want this but do not have the entire $6000 (or $18,000 for three corporations) & can’t get personal funding.  You put up some skin in the game for a down payment, and we get you matched with someone who has already completed their funding and wants to help others obtain financial freedom. You pay them double their investment back. So, if someone borrows you 3k you pay them back 6k. A small price to pay for financial freedom.

*When you are funded, you can do this as well, making from $40,000 up to $120,000 passive income every six weeks passive income for helping others.

Another way if you can wait a few weeks, is with our partner who will take the funds you do have upfront and triple it every 30 days. This means if you only have $2000 of the $6000, you will have the entire $6000 in 30 days! $18,000 in another 30 days, allowing you to do 3 aged corporations instead of just one.  This also means you are using “found profits” instead of borrowing money at 100% interest rates when you pay back an angel funder.

As funding is completed with several lenders you agree to pay our upfront investment to you 15% of all funding within 24 hours of being funded to recover all upfront costs, and 1% of a donation to our child Safe Project (all tax deductible).

Next is how to pay off your loans and create 2nd, 3rd, and 4thpassive income streams using our auto pilot money methods, investments, income strategies, and business blueprints.

First, is our referral program. We have the best product on the planet-MONEY. Everyone wants it, everyone needs it. We will show you how to get unlimited clients. You make up 2% of all funding, so $400,000 would be $8000 in profits. With a client doing 3 corporations the profits to you would be around $24,000 PER CLIENT. We have referral partners making over $100,000 a month.

Second, is our “Angel Funding” program you read above. You put up $3000-$5000 for each client and they pay you back $3000-$5000 in about 6 weeks or so. That is a 100% return on your investment, proven, secured! If you help them with three corporations, you can generate tens of thousands.

Third is our $60,000 investment in our trade relationship. Invest $60,000 and they will pay off up to $300,000 in your loans! And they will do it in 1 year! This is in essence free loan money.

Fourth, is the Forex investment. When you put 20,000 in, for example, you receive $19,000 back in 120 days! A 95% return on your investment, paid off every month for just 4 months. No skills, no experience, no training, automated by our trading company relationship. This alone pays off all your loans! While we are not investment advisors, we invest in these programs ourselves and want to pass along smart investments, many of which are guaranteed returns, unheard of in any investment.

Fifth, is our Children’s Charity Thrift Shops. Our Child Safe Project. These are amazing and the average Children’s Charity Thrift Store helps an average of 30-60 local children a month. These thrift stores are profit monsters because the products are donated, and we generate free labor from the county, so it is virtually all profit. THIS IS THE REASON WE CAN GET YOU THIS LARGE AMOUNT OF FUNDING WITHOUT A FICO SCORE!

Sixth, we have dozens of other business blueprints, undervalued real estate with financing, & money while you sleep options, businesses for sale that make money already, & turnkey businesses. Everything you need to launch or acquire a new business. A mentor will advise you on options. We are not investment advisors, security analysists, or traders. We look for new income opportunities and invest in these money methods ourselves and simply offer them to our members.