SOME OF THE AMAZING BENEFITS WITH OUR FINANCIAL WEALTH COACHING OPPORTUNITY! So much more than a business broker, loan consultant, or affiliate marketer. You are a REAL FINANCIAL LIFESTYLE COACH!, While you learn to become Financially Free faster than any other method. THIS IS THE GREATEST WEALTH CREATION OPPORTUNITY EVER CREATED!
1. Make Unlimited amounts of money. Wealth without limitations

Business & Income Opportunity as Wealth Creation Coach using autopilot strategies.
- We get you an auto responder for collecting and sending out e blasts with our effective sales copy. Your goal is to send 2-3 eblasts a day with 8 different keywords and new lists you will purchase, warm or hot leads.
- We include the ad copy, needed to generate sales, and leads. Proven copy that works.
- We set you up with a telemarketing person who does the phone sales for you.
- These are the services we sell we want hot keywords for:
- MCA/Cash Advance/Working Capital/ -No Fico needed
- /Fast business funding
- New business funding, startup business funding, new corporation funding etc
- Debt consolidation loans
- Personal fico funding
- Aged Corporations for sale
- Credit repair
- Start a business/business opportunities/make money online/ etc.
- We set you up with a telemarketing company to answer your leads by phone and explain the program to them. This is used for HOT leads, those who have already filled out an application for funding, sent bank statements, etc.
- Warm leads that respond by email need a followup
- We offer you hot and warm lead lists cheap, these are people LOOKING for our services:
- Cash Advance-Working Capital/MCA loans for businesses who have 3 months of income with bank statements Includes free offer to get into the corp buildout funding program.Warm 2 day old leads or LIVE leads to a phone number.
- 1 Million dollar corporate buildout with unlimited funding for life. Includes a
2 Million dollar asset document.
10.Debt Consolidation Loans
- Aged Corporations. Includes free entrance into the corp buildout program
12.Credit Restoration Program. These leads can easily be sent to the corp buildout as they will repair the credit, so it makes no sense to do credit repair on its own. We get up to $200,000 with good credit scores.13.This is personal funding, with good fico scores. We can get them funding ourselves and then tell them after funding they can get a corp built out for free, with $150,000 in services on a corporation.
14.We offer the wealth creation coaching business & income opportunity for $4997 doing the same thing you are doing now. Includes our $50,000 website all ready for them, we just add a domain over it, and their personal link!
- We offer over 80 Business in a Box Blueprints for $19,997 for those who want a more physical business, although some do include website businesses, etc.
- The best part is the payouts. We split the profits 50/50 on everything, except the businesses for sale.
- This means 2.5% on all corp buildout funding on several hundred thousand dollars from every client over the months. Funding can be as quick as every 3 weeks.
- 50% of the mca success fees of 10% on the backend.
- 50% of the debt consolidation commissions paid by the debt consolidation lender.
- $350 on an aged corporation sold. We do have them for free from the corp buildout processor, but we really want to sell them ourselves because we can make more profit and not split it.
- $250 on a credit repair client plus funding fees of half of what we get from the processors. These are upfront costs.
- Your profits are $1500 on the wealth creation coaching business & income opportunity. Clients can pay after the first round of funding.
- Your profits are $5000 on the sale of a Business in a Box Blueprint Business ($19,997). Clients make payments after funding.
- 20% of the profits when someone enters the “profit center”, we do not use Forex anymore, we use this name because we now guarantee 10% monthly profits. We use some to “pay it forward” programs, where a client’s funding pays to help someone else get something upfront covered. Our benefits are;
- The 1 Million Corp buildout has no upfront cost, we let them pay $997 after their first round of funding. You get 50%.
- The businesses both the wealth coach business or the business in a box, can be paid for after funding. We can get them started with some training, sales docs, simple things they can get done easily and cheaply
The 10 Best Ways To Offer our Services.
Craigslist Ads. In the Financial Services Section of over 700 Cities. Craigslist is still the quickest, easiest, most profitable ($5 per ad, $1 or $2 more if you hire a craigslist posting service. (We have list) With 10 cities posted, you can figure about 1 customer per city per week.
Buy lists. Their are companies who sell lists from google, maps, searches online, that are warm or HOT leads. They sell “live leads”, these are leads that are instantly looking for the service we offer! Warm leads are several days old. Their are also leads that are several months old, these can be great leads as well. Especially for creating a email list for future sales
- Auto Responder. Services like Aweber, Getresponse, Mailchimp, or ConstantContact, have software you can use to acquire and ad email lists of warm, or other people who have searched for our services over days or months. You simply send out a offer. A good offer, with a GREAT headline. The money is in the list
Pay Per Click. See the top search results when you search Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc? Buying a simple 30 word ad will get you right at the top of search results. When someone types in “Cash Advance”, Business Funding, or Credit Repair, your ad is right their a HOT, LIVE, lead. By smart “bidding” you can get enough responses for a small amount of money
Re-Marketing Display ads. These are ads where someone had already searched for the topic online. You are simply reaching out to them again, they haven’t made a purchase of that service yet! These can be display ads, a note to click on your website, or call your number.
Telemarketing. The best way to do telemarkting which is a phenomenal way to generate clients, is to use a soft approach. Nobody likes hard sells. Simple ask you you could take a second to let them know about a way to help their financial future, business, or lifestyle, Asking to send an email out to them is also a sensttional way to get them to open your mail. Their are great phone people you can hire to do this for pennies on fiverr.com
Use of our website. Why take the time and money to create a new $50,000 website, when we have one already for you. We just get you a link for people to go so you get the prospect. You can also create a simple landing page, that offers what you want that we can connect to our site
Direct Mail. Valpak costs $600 and reaches 10,000 homes in a zip code! A 1% response is 100 customers. $6 a customer, do you think that works for you? The ad needs to look like a Gift Certificate, with a special offer, so good, nobody in their right mind would turn it down. Also, their is No competition in this area. You can also do direct mail with our “Invitations”
Influencers. With an influencer, they already have the list, remember the money is in the list! They have trusted access to dozens, hundreds, thousands, or millions of followers. You can buy that influencer on fiverr.com or email them yourself. Reach them with a sensational offer and cut the influencer in for a percentage of every customer. YOU want to HELP their followers, they must believe you won’t damage their followers.
Groups. An example are Meetup.com which only takes a email to the administrator of the group, you may need to sign up first. 2 Minutes. Now you an get them to send your message out, that you want to help their group. Getting in front of the pastor at a church is killer. Helping church goers become financially free, giving the church a $500 donation on every customer you help, and the fact that the church goer will donate MORE to the church as a result of their new found success!
Would you like to remove yourself from the Rat Race? We have a simple solution. We have the best product on the planet-Money We have the 2nd best product on the planet-Optimum Financial Freedom! We have the 3rd best product on the planet-The Ultimate Lifestyle
If you want more than just a career, you want a business you can make unlimited amounds of money, limited only by your ambition,
*You can work your own hours,
*You can start making money today
*You can build a business that works hard so that you don’t have to
*You can work at home or anywhere in the world with a smart phone
*One benefit we offer is Unlimited Gift Certificates for Travel & Restaurant dinners. Only pay taxes. A Priceless benefit
*You can make money quickly
*You can make large Chunks of money and large multiple streams of income!
*We have over 15 ways to make money from ONE client
We have TWO major funding services
- We can get an established business Cash Advances/Working Capital rom $50,000 to 2 Million dollars in 3 days with just 3 months bank statements! Nothing could be easier, no FICO scores, no business credit is needed. Businesses can use these funds for anything they want.
- Then we help them consolidate their debts reducing their payments by 50-70%.. You make a commission from this loan consolidation as well.
- These lower payments allow them to invest in a “profit center” we offer which makes them 10% a month profits, thereby paying off their loan! In other words, a free loan, paid for with profits they didn’t know they had!
- They can compound the funds if they want to double their money every 7-8 months. Of course you get 20% of what they make, they make 3k a month, you make $600 a month residual.
Now Business Owners OR Anybody who wants to break free from the Rat Race....
What we offer to those established businesses is a 2ndprogram,
This program is also targeted towards those who want to break free from financial bondage and create a life for themselves.
If they want to start, grow, or create a business, we take them from scratch, nothing to a million dollar company. This leaves out no one
Everyone wants money, everyone needs money, we have the best product on the planet.
At Faster Money Methods, we have developed with hundreds of equity finance partners, and world class experts in business & funding, a business any ordinary person can achieve the Ultimate
Lifestyle & Financial Independence, in weeks, not decades.
That’s because we have the best product on the planet, money. Everyone wants it, everyone needs it,
and we have the connections to get it.
We can take any ordinary person and show them how to create a million dollar corporation in weeks starting with no money, yes not a single penny. And we don’t care about Fico scores, although we will jump start that to the highest levels, because it’s just finance 101.
We can take any ordinary person, and in a couple weeks, get them funding of between 25k and 150k.
And then get them more of the same, every few weeks for life, as we build out a million dollar business for them, starting from A-Z, we follow a step by step blueprint that can take anyone from rags to riches.
That is life changing. But we do more. We give someone with desire to live a better life, the financial skills to succeed, we include over $150,000 in business services such as a marketing engine that can dominate the competition and generate sales at will.
We include a 2 Million dollar asset that can be monetized & used to generate sales for the business, as well as used by the owner to enjoy the quality of life they truly want for them & their relationships.
But it gets better, we service the debt, we pay the loan off for the client. Yes, if they use their funding to grow their business to rock star success, we pay the loans off for them!
But it gets better still, we believe a business should have other streams of income from other sources, you make a large chunk of money from your main business, but generate auto pilot passive income streams, and we have a “profit center” that business owners can make 10-25% a week in profits & the money never leaves their account, so it’s secured, with no risk.
How is that for making more money than shieks, movie stars, and billionaires!
We include business technology accelerators, to put a business on auto pilot, where 98% of the work is done for them. You don’t want to run businesses, you want to own them and focus on the 1% most important thing. You want to wake up in the morning to do what excites you and spend your time with your loving relationships.
This fasttrack step by step blueprint only takes 2 -3 months,, in most cases, but there is a lifetime of help, support, & guidance, by worldclass mentors along with strategic relationships that launch someone & their business like a rocketship.
The commissions you earn from merely offering these products to people who want to start, create, or build their business to a million dollar company, are substantial as we make a commissions on business services they will want to grow their business, and we charge funding fees on all the funding we give them.
If you want a career you control, you can work at home or from anywhere in the world, with unlimited income, this is it. Nothing can compare.
This business is 98% turnkey, simple to start and make money today.
Anyone of any age, location, experience, or education can succeed with this as we have the marketing materials and systems in place that are proven to work fast like a wildfire.
You can work 1 hour a week or 1 hour a month and make boatloads of money. An average client can make you $10,000 or more. If you want to make big money, you just copy others making large sums of money. Everyone else is just full of it.
We create large chunks of money as well as multiple streams of income for you.
We have a dozen different profit streams.
This is legal, ethical, and moral, helping others achieve financial independence along with a world class financial education is the greatest gift you can give someone.
Their are no phone calls or selling, people want this program
The sales copy does the selling for you, we have proven marketing in place
The work is all done by others.
You are first in line for the paychecks, no waiting weeks or months.
Their is no rejection because there is NO upfront cost to them.
So how about it? Are you ready for a higher quality of life?
Email us at Funding@Mail.com
or Call us at: 689 266 5342 to find out more!
We know there are lots of companies out their wanting your time and money. This isn't the case here......
NO Money INCOME Opportunity
Our proven career wealth creation opportunity can furnish you with the Ultimate Leisurely Lifestyle where you can spend every hour doing what excites you.
Our proven career wealth creation opportunity can create Optimum Financial Freedom. You will make enough money without your direct efforts once your system is in place. Enough money to live the highest quality of life for you and your loved ones.
Our four step process is so simple a 12 year old can do this:
We get businesses and people large amounts of funding in 2-3 days. It is always better to use the lenders money then your own, even if you did have it, from $50,000 up to 2 million for businesses.
We show them how it becomes free and clear money.. Money that is paid back for them! In essence it’s a large chunk of money, they get to keep to do whatever you want to do with!
How can we do this?
We show how to pay the loan off with a small amount of their funding with s simple proven, investment paying 10% a month, they can take out whenever they want.
Profit they didnt know you had, But it gets better….
10% is much more than they need to pay the loan payment every month, so the extra profit they generate on auto-pilot, they can use to quit their job, travel, expand or start a business, buy real estate, invest, whatever excites them.
But it gets better , Clients have the opportunity to compound it. Compound interest is the greatest passive income generator every invented. This can triple their profits every year, making you more income.
If a business or person doesn’t have an established business or good personal credit we know how to fix it fast, in as little as 45 days. Cheaper. Minimum documents are needed with a simple 2 minute application. WE know minimum requirement funding sources! You make hundreds from this process as well.
Our income opportunity offers the following substantial benefits:
Unlimited paychecks without limits Make money every hour, everyday if you want.
All the work is 99% done for you
- You get help, support, and guidance from world class mentors
You have access to our team. Access to other peoples Resources, contacts, experience, skills, and talent
A proven income method so simple a 12 year old can do this
Work only minutes a day from anywhere in the world any time you want, with just a cell phone
Work with a proven success formula unknown and unavailable to the public so there is no competition
Use our time instead of yours as we have processors who do all the work for you.
No paperwork or taking phone calls if you don’t want to
Over 14 proven and highly successful marketing venues that work for you. The greatest wealth creation vehicle in history is the internet. Use it to make all the money you want
We have spent tens of thousands of dollars in generating effective sales copy, ads, documents, and systems so you don’t have to
No need to spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars or weeks to learn how to start this business, you are only hours to financial independence
Effective sales copy is the most financially lucrative skill in the world. We have it.
Effective sales copy can give returns of 10,000% and more. Their is no greater return on effective marketing. It is the best investment on the planet.
Effective sales copy is like having an army of little sales people giving the perfect presentation every single time, so you don’t have to spend any time on it
The best way to make money is to copy success. Only successful people can teach you how to make money, everyone else is full of BS
We have over a dozen financial services so you can make money in many ways so you can create multiple streams of residual income
You make 2% of all funding we generate for your client. A $200,000 loan will generate $4000 for you in commissions
You receive 15% of what a client receives above their 10% profit each month. This can add up to $300 or more per client every month. That can compound to more and more every month as they generate their profits
We have over a dozen other services we offer clients. The typical client participates in at least 3 other financial services
Clients generally refer 5 additional clients, with no effort at all. The easiest marketing there is
For a business or person to go into funding, it requires no upfront money, so it has no objection. Funding only takes 2-3 days so money comes quick
You can participate in this program at any time as well
We can get up to ten times more funding than any client can or any other funding source can get them. Their is no competition, we have 30 specific funding programs for business or personal
That’s it! So simple a 12 year old could do this.
Quite simply, the greatest wealth creation product for anyone of any age, location, education, skills, or experience.
Email us at Funding@Mail.com
or Call us at: 689 266 5342 to find out more!
Craigslist Top 30 Cities To Market In!