If you want to make at least 1 million a year for a couple of hours a week of effort, here is the simple solution....
*We can get a business loan from $5000 up to two million dollars or more in funding in 2-3 days. This is based on three business bank statements.
*We have additional funding programs for businesses and people with good credit as well. Startup funding or personal. If they do not have good credit, we can fix it to raise scores up to about 200 FICO points or more.
If they do not have a business, we can create one for them that will be lender compliant.
When they get a loan, this is what they do….
They take out 1k-25k depending on how much of a loan they qualify for and put it in our traders Crypto trading account and generate about 50% a month returns, enough to pay for the loan and make some serious money while you sleep profits.
They can add more funds if they choose and make some cash profits if they wish or compound it and make lots more money with it. Money stays in our one account so we know what is going on at any time! Security.
You can be in business for yourself not by yourself. 99% of the work is done for you. All you do is run the marketing in any of the places we have had success in! Or find your own resources to compound your profits.
We have the ads and a simple blueprint to make all the money you want. A printing press for money.
It is free to sign up and get one on one training by someone already making $20k or more a week!
Review Our Broker Agreement
We offer financial services to members which include business or personal funding, tradelines, credit repair, broker opportunities, investments, aged corporations, business opportunities, and business training & consulting, in addition to our membership with financial educational courses, assets members can use and offer clients, etc.
We do not charge thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to join our successful team.
Broker wishes to offer our services using our marketing materials and can use their own if they get approval from the company first. We do not want anything misrepresented improperly, or illegally, offering investments is a private transaction and not regulated by the SEC so certain guidelines must be followed.
Brokers will be trained in all aspects of our programs so they may depend on these products as an income source. Brokers can work whatever times and hours they wish.
We give ongoing help, support, and guidance at any time a broker requires it. Our mission is to help brokers make as much money as they choose. We have the best products on the planet, no one can compete with our services because of the way we bundle our services for value and strategy.
Our brokers get 50% of all funding success fee that we get. We may have to pay other resources who have superior funding sources so they may take a portion of these fees. Commissions are paid when we get paid by lenders, or clients usually within 48 hours.
Brokers receive 50% of additional profits from other services such as.
Cash Advance funding. This is our most lucrative product and fastest to the money. You receive 50% of the 10% we receive from the lender. In essence if a lender lends $50,000 to your client, you receive 50% of that $5000 commission, $2500. In many cases we charge an additional 10% success fee, which doubles your commission. The best part is the 25% profit you generate when a client puts in funds to make money profit from the crypto investment. A client puts in $!0,000, they generate $5000 a month in profits, you generate $2500 a month in profits. This grows as you and they compound it.
You also have access to our Crypto investment paying 50% a month in profits. They must remain in the crypto for two trading sessions of 60 days. Then you can withdraw what you want. By then we recommend you take out double your initial investment and then larger amounts every 2 months as they compound so you can make paychecks as you compound wealth.
Credit Boost program (varies between $299 -$1499 depending on the speed of the program and number of primary tradelines we may add to the client’s file.
EIN tradelines. We charge $349 for every five tier one, tier two, tier 3, or tier 4 lines. Brokers receive $125 from each package.
The marketing materials we have are worth millions because they have been tested and proven over time to generate large amounts of clients. Our resources alone to generate strong leads have been tested over many years to be effective. And what business would not want a free $200,000 or loan for basically FREE with the Crypto investment we offer clients with all our funding programs?
You will get a link to our website which is priceless, we have spent many tens of thousands of dollars with Seo, marketing materials, courses, etc. that you have access to for free. Now you have the credibility and power of a million-dollar website. Hundreds of clients have said this is the best financial website they have ever seen. See for yourself. FasterMoneyMethods.com
Our website offers dozens of different programs too numerous to list here. You can go to the website and see which ones you may feel you wish to market. Commissions vary depending on the course.
We add new services every week so make sure to check the website or with your mentor.
It is free to sign up, just send your name and phone number to us and we will send an email confirmation back with call in details.
Broker understands that Financial Holdings of Florida does not make loans, is not an investment company, or securities agent and cannot be responsible for lender issues including acts of God or nature, banking issues, or merchant processing problems that may arise. You are responsible for the collection of funds from your clients and forwarding them to Financial Holdings, unless otherwise noted.
Review Our Marketing Suggestions!
The most effective marketing venues for marketing various sales copy:
- There are over seven hundred cities. We have a craigslist posting service which is only $1 more than the $5 it costs to run ads in the Financial-Services section of craigs. You will need at least fifteen cities to generate substantial results. The more the merrier.
- Direct Mail. Valpak is great to reach people for personal funding. For every 10,000 homes, it only costs $600. One response pays for the ad. Sensational. We use direct mail with our flyer, a cool envelope and labels with 1 stamp. Highest percentage returns for the money. We do one thousand at a time with tens of thousands generated from each $1k. We also use our “invitations”. We put them in an invitation envelope with a red stamp, markets “urgent” or other stamp. 100% of businesses open it.
- YouTube video ads. Using great keywords, we have already proven, reaches the perfect target client in seconds. It costs pennies to reach a perfect client.
- Leave behind pieces at businesses. Things like table tents, or a holder with the invitation in the holder, on a counter, or other place people can see it. Put one at each restaurant table. Offer business owners $500 for every client we generate. They can make 10k or 50k a month, depending on their business.
- Pay Per Click, Google, Bing, Yahoo, using our great keywords reaches the exact client you want to reach. This is the fastest money method we know. We pull the exact prospect instantly. The best.
- Cost Per View or CPM (cost per one thousand) as it can be called. This is highly economical as you pay just a few bucks and people, or business owners, see the ad. If they like, they click, no need to pay for an ad that someone is not interested in.
- This is where someone has already looked at ads for services but did not buy anything. Catch them a 2ndtime and they may be ready to buy with a better offer.
- Social media ads. Display ads are powerful, used on Facebook, linked in, Instagram.
- com and other influencers. You can buy influencers from Fiverr.com as well. Reach influencers who run “groups”. With an incentive to them, and a note that they can help their members, you can reach 100’s or thousands in a minute.
- Business Owners via Email. You can buy email lists on fiverr.com for a few bucks and just email them one of our simple sales copies. Just buy leads than email. You just need a great headline.
- Buying cash advance leads from services like popcrumbs.com which run ads and get prospects to fill out an application and send bank statements. A turnkey client for about $20 dollars. You can also buy “live leads” when you or someone you hire can speak to the client over the phone, it is fast effective and instant. Costs are typically double of an application lead, but you talk directly to them.
- Ask for referrals. Just simply asking someone who does or does not want free money can generate a lead. Just say “could you tell me one person you know who may be interested in a large chunk of free money? Referrals are the easiest to purchase your service. The credibility issue is already overcome.
- Create a website with a 1-page landing page and market it or do SEO with Fiverr.com and generate a long-term wealth strategy. You can drive people to your website in 1000s of areas.
- In person. Just shopping, hanging out in a mall, etc. Just hand out sales copy. We did this years ago with a model agency and generated millions in revenue. It works.
TIPS: Assistants are cheap from many places, use virtual assistants from sites like fiverr.com
You want to focus on the most important 1% of what is most important, delegate the rest.
- Always be marketing.
- Always be testing.
- Always be researching.
- Always educate yourself.